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Albert einstein, april 1979-18 march 14, 1955, was a theoretical…… philosopher and author Widely …….as one of the most influential and best known
scientists and intellectuals of all time.He ….. the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics “for his services to Theoretical physics, and especially for his …. of the law of the photoelectric effect.”
His many…..of the law inclube the special and general theories of relativity,the founding of relativistic cosmology,the first post-Newtonian expansion,…..the perihelion advance of Mercury,prediction of the deflection of light by gravity and gravitational lensing,the first fluctuation dissipation theorem which….the Brownia movement of molecules,the photon theory and wave-particle duality,the quantum theory of atomic motion in solids,the zero-point energy concept,the semi-classical version of the schrodinger equation,and quantum theory of a monatomic gas which predicted Bose-Einstein….
Einstein published more than 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works;he additionally wrote and….prolifically on various philosophical and political subjects.His great intelligence and originality has made the word’Einstein’ synonymous with….
1.mohon diartikan
2.mohon diisi titik titiknya menggunakan kata explaining,discovery,regarded,explained,genius,commentated,physicist,contributions,received,condesation
Solusi #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Albert einstein, april 1979-18 march 14, 1955, was a theoretical…… philosopher and author Widely …….as one of the most influential and best known
scientists and intellectuals of all time.He ….. the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics “for his services to Theoretical physics, and especially for his …. of the law of the photoelectric effect.”
His many…..of the law inclube the special and general theories of relativity,the founding of relativistic cosmology,the first post-Newtonian expansion,…..the perihelion advance of Mercury,prediction of the deflection of light by gravity and gravitational lensing,the first fluctuation dissipation theorem which….the Brownia movement of molecules,the photon theory and wave-particle duality,the quantum theory of atomic motion in solids,the zero-point energy concept,the semi-classical version of the schrodinger equation,and quantum theory of a monatomic gas which predicted Bose-Einstein….
Einstein published more than 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works;he additionally wrote and….prolifically on various philosophical and political subjects.His great intelligence and originality has made the word’Einstein’ synonymous with….
1.mohon diartikan
2.mohon diisi titik titiknya menggunakan kata explaining,discovery,regarded,explained,genius,commentated,physicist,contributions,received,condesation
1. Einstein adalah seorang fisikawan teori, filsafat, dan penulis. Dinyatakan luas sebagai salah satu ilmuwan dan intelek yang paling berpengaruh dan paling terkenal sepanjang waktu. Ia menerima Hadiah Nobel dalam bidang fisika untuk jasanya pada fisika teori dan terutama untuk penemuannya yaitu hukum efek fotoelektrik.
Kontribusinya mengenai hukum termasuk teori relatifitas spesial dan umum, penemuan kosmologi relatifistik, perluasan post-Newtonian yg pertama yg menerangkan tentang kemajuan perihelion dari merkuri, prediksi dari pemantulan cahaya oleh grafitasi dan pe-lensa-an(?) grafitasi, teori fluktuasi menghilang(?) pertama yg menjelaskan pergerakan molekul Brownia, teori photon, dualitas partikel gelombang, teori quantum dari gerakan atom dalam kepadatan, konsep energi titik nol, versi setengah klasik dari persamaan schrodinger, teori quantum dari gas monoatom yg memprediksi kondensasi Bose Einstein.
Einstein mempublikasi lebih dari 300 karya ilmiah dan lebih dari 150 karya non ilmiah; ia juga menulis dan berkomentar secara produktif mengenai berbagai macam subjek filosofis dan politik. Kecerdasannya yg hebat dan keistimewaannya menjadikan kata Einstein bersinonim dengan genius
2. physicist, regarded, received, discovery, contributions, explaining, explained, condensation, commentated, genius.
Sekian solusi tentang Albert einstein, april 1979-18 march 14, 1955, was a theoretical…… philosopher and author Widely…, diharapkan dengan solusi tadi bisa membantu menjawab pertanyaan kamu.
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