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Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang Virus Corona
Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang Virus Corona
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.
Good morning, best wishes
My existence here is not out of the problem that we face today, as we have all seen on TV and the mass media that the corona virus is rampant in our motherland.
Well now we are wise about this corona virus, where this virus is a new virus whose vaccine has not been found so we must prevent it now, prevention can be done by washing hands both before and after doing any activity, we also have to maintain our immunity because of the virus this can die alone by our body’s immune.
And as the government is encouraging, we can prevent it with a distance and wear masks, but the longer this virus is said to have evolved, therefore it is now being encouraged to STAY AT HOME our management is neither a spreader nor a victim of this virus.
Where now people who are infected with this virus don’t have to have symptoms, therefore we have to be more careful, Maybe it’s just my speech today about the Covid 19 appeal I hope we are all able to follow the government’s recommendations and together conquer this COVID 19
That’s all, Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuh, good morning, greetings of prosperity to all of us.
Jawaban #2 untuk Pertanyaan: Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang Virus Corona
Good morning ….
My respect, ladies and gentlemen
During a pandemic, we need to know what the corona virus or covid-19 is. The corona virus or covid-19 is a deadly respiratory inflammation virus found in Wuhan, China. Covid-19 has spread throughout the world, so with that we can prevent Covid-19 transmission by washing hands, keeping distance and wearing masks.
Thus my speech, I hope this speech can be of benefit to the audience.
Good morning.
Arti :
Selamat pagi….
Yang saya hormati,para hadirin sekalian
Pada saat masa pandemi,kita perlu mengenal apa itu virus corona atau covid-19. Virus corona atau covid-19 dalah virus mematikan radang pernapasan yang ditemukan di wuhan,china. Covid-19 sudah menyebar hampir ke seluruh dunia,maka dengan itu kita perlu mencegah penularan covid-19 dengan cara mencuci tangan,menjaga jarak dan memakai masker
Demikian pidato saya,semoga pidato ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi para hadirin.
Selamat pagi.
Nah itulah solusi tentang Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang Virus Corona, diharapkan dengan solusi ini dapat membantu memecahkan soal sobat.
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