Jika sobat lagi membutuhkan jawaban dari soal: dialog showing care read the dialog carefully today imran is not feeling well.he is staying at home…., maka teman-teman sudah berada di tempat yang benar.
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dialog showing care
read the dialog carefully
today imran is not feeling well.he is staying at home.he has just received a sympathy card through an email from his sister who lives far away in singapore the card says sending you sunnys smiles warm wishes and healing thought…hope today finds you feeling much better
many of his friend also come to his house
rama:you look so pale.i bring you some soup,fix you some tea and bake you some treats hope you recover soon
imran:thanks a lot what a lovely friend you are i really appreciate that
rido:i’d also water your planst and tidy your room
imran:thank you very much i’m glad you do it for me
ramon:to help you feel better i’d fluff up your pillow and straighten you sheerts
imran:i’am so grateful to you.you’re the best friends i have ever had
1.tentang apa dialog pada showing care
2.apa ungkapan showing care yang ada dialog
3.bagaimana respon yang ada dialog
4.apa saja ungkapan showing care yang lain(paling sedikit 5)
5.bagaimana respon mu
6.buat lah dialog showing care
Solusi #1 untuk Pertanyaan: dialog showing care
read the dialog carefully
today imran is not feeling well.he is staying at home.he has just received a sympathy card through an email from his sister who lives far away in singapore the card says sending you sunnys smiles warm wishes and healing thought…hope today finds you feeling much better
many of his friend also come to his house
rama:you look so pale.i bring you some soup,fix you some tea and bake you some treats hope you recover soon
imran:thanks a lot what a lovely friend you are i really appreciate that
rido:i’d also water your planst and tidy your room
imran:thank you very much i’m glad you do it for me
ramon:to help you feel better i’d fluff up your pillow and straighten you sheerts
imran:i’am so grateful to you.you’re the best friends i have ever had
1.tentang apa dialog pada showing care
2.apa ungkapan showing care yang ada dialog
3.bagaimana respon yang ada dialog
4.apa saja ungkapan showing care yang lain(paling sedikit 5)
5.bagaimana respon mu
6.buat lah dialog showing care
Anata wa Adamu O wa nani tanomu?
Nah itulah jawaban tentang dialog showing care read the dialog carefully today imran is not feeling well.he is staying at home…., diharapkan dengan solusi tadi bisa membantu memecahkan soal teman-teman.
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