Mungkin sobat lagi butuh solusi atas pertanyaan: he was the (intelligent) … thief of all, maka kamu berada di situs yang tepat.
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he was the (intelligent) … thief of all
Solusi #1 untuk Soal: he was the (intelligent) … thief of all
Most intelligent
If the word has more than 2 syllable, we only need to add ‘Most’ or ‘More’ and don’t change or add anything to the word, but if the word doesn’t exceed 2 syllables, then you’ll need to change the word by adding ‘er’ or ‘est’.
If before the sentence there’s a ‘The’, thrn you must change the word by adding ‘More’ or ‘Er’ example : Smart to smarter, beautiful to more beautiful. However, if there’s a than after the word like this ……(smart) than, that means we need to change the word by adding ‘Most’ or ‘Est’, for example smart to smarter and beautiful to more beautiful. I sincerely hope this helps.
Note : Kalau tidak mengerti, boleh di translat dari google translate, semoga membantu
Sekian tanya-jawab mengenai he was the (intelligent) … thief of all, semoga dengan jawaban tadi dapat membantu memecahkan soal sobat.
Jika teman-teman masih ada soal yang lain, silahkan pakai menu search yang ada di halaman ini.