Apabila sobat lagi memerlukan jawaban atas soal: “help me tolong buatlah percakapan 2 orang yang agak panjang mengenai actor favoritnya !”, maka teman-teman sudah berada di halaman yang tepat.
Disini ada beberapa jawaban mengenai soal itu. Ayok baca jawabannya ….
help me
tolong buatlah percakapan 2 orang yang agak panjang mengenai actor favoritnya !
Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: help me
tolong buatlah percakapan 2 orang yang agak panjang mengenai actor favoritnya !
Here’s the dialogue.
Ryuko: Dude, me, Patrice and Alireza are going to the movie this weekend, care to join?
Fausto: Hmm, what’s good to watch now?
R: There’s MI-Fallout.
F: Ah, The old Tom Cruise, entertaining but I’ll pass I guess.
R: I thought he was your favourite and liked Mission Impossible saga, did you?
F: Well, I was but basically I only like the first one by Brian De Palma.
R: I see, I always like Tom Cruise and in this movie there’s Henry Cavill, another favourite actor of mine. So, I should watch it.
F: Oh, the Superman is in MI-Fallout?? I didn’t know that. Well, it’s considerable.
R: Anyway, who’s your favourite actor?
F: For me, no one beats Christian Bale, he has been a Batman, a Cowboy, a Drug dealer, a Magician and won an Oscar.
R: Ah, of course, his role in The Dark Knight trilogy is amazingly notable.
F: Of course. OK, I decide to join you guys at the movie this weekend.
R: Great, see you at the weekend then. I’ll text you for the details.
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: dialogue
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