Bila teman-teman sedang butuh solusi dari pertanyaan: “Materi : Suggest and Offer. Lengkapi dialog ini, dilengkapi pake kata-kata yang ada suggest sama off…”, maka sobat berada di situs yang benar.
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Materi : Suggest and Offer. Lengkapi dialog ini, dilengkapi pake kata-kata yang ada suggest sama offer nya.
This conversation is between a store attendant and customer:
A: Hi there, how can i help you?
B: I would like to return this shirt for a refund
A: What is the problem whit the shirt?
Solusi #1 untuk Soal: Materi : Suggest and Offer. Lengkapi dialog ini, dilengkapi pake kata-kata yang ada suggest sama offer nya.
This conversation is between a store attendant and customer:
A: Hi there, how can i help you?
B: I would like to return this shirt for a refund
A: What is the problem whit the shirt?
A: Hi there, how can i help you?
B: I would like to return this shirt for a refund
A: What is the problem whit the shirt?
B: It doesnt fit with me, may I change it with another shirt?
A: Sure, I think this black dress will looking good on you ( suggest)
B: Well.. I dont think so.
A: May I show you another clothes madame?(offering)
B: Okay, just do it.
Demikianlah tanya-jawab tentang Materi : Suggest and Offer. Lengkapi dialog ini, dilengkapi pake kata-kata yang ada suggest sama off…, semoga dengan jawaban di atas bisa membantu menjawab pertanyaan teman-teman.
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